
Dr. Kaler MD BSc, MSc, MD, CCFP

As a father of two young girls with medical conditions Dr. Kaler realized the importance of health when they both almost passed away.

This was the trigger for his search for weight loss strategies that could be “easy” and effective for everyone. Not just a few people. The program had to be cost effective and something that anyone of any age could do. Dr. Kaler found just that program after 32 years of being overweight at nearly 310 pounds. Dr Kaler lost 130 pounds by learning the 4 pillars of health he talks about in his course. Learn more today from the experience of a father, a friend, a medical doctor, and in my mind the number 1 speaker on the planet ~ Pat Keppler


Owl Pod Obesity and Mental Health Clinics

Owl Pod Virtual Obesity Clinics are currently located in Alberta, Canada and treat people at no cost. The primary approach is mental health along with the four pillars of health that Dr. Kaler describes in his course. Obesity is a major concern and affects almost 100 million people in North America. It is costing our health care system trillions, but more importantly is scarring an entire generation of young people with mental health and emotional issues that are irreparable.

Please visit if you are interested in working with Owl Pod Obesity and Mental Health clinics, or if you are interested in being a patient.


COVID 19 – Finding Social Connection during a Pandemic

During this Pandemic we are noticing a huge increase in loneliness and depression. Our mental health clinic sees thousands of patients per year and has 18 doctors that work 7 days a week. We are noticing the isolation that is being created by COVID 19 is wreaking havoc on our communities. From schools, to church groups, to sports teams being affected. What can you do to prevent this isolation?

  • Zoom meetings
  • Facetime / Skype / Googlechat instead of phone
  • Social distancing tailgate parties – just make sure you’re 6-8 feet apart!
  • Social distancing walks
  • Movie nights / Drive in’s are back
  • Working out with friends on Zoom
  • Game nights online
  • Self study time – Get to know yourself
  • Journalling
  • Music time

These suggestions are just a few of what our patients and doctors are finding helpful at the moment. If you know of other suggestions reach out to us and we will add it to our page.

Dr. K